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Moto G gets USB OTG Support for KitKat with new Software Update

Motorola's super hit Mobile - Moto G which is released in many countries has even got the latest Android Update - KitKat and here's a new software update from Motorola for fixing USB OTG support Issue and Other issues.

Moto G Users seems to be happy with the Preloaded Jelly bean update but Motorola has already announced that the device will get KitKat update and now users seems to be facing some issues such as cellular network loss, Battery issues and to the special USB On The Go (OTG) support which seems to be not working in KitKat update but working seamlessly in JellyBean

Also i can see a Motorola forum post about OTG breakup in KitKat upgrade and also in Other Android forums, But Along with that Motorola seems to be so keen on other issue and have released a new Sofware update which fixes below issues-
  • Fixed an Issue which caused temporary cellular network loss for a small number of Moto G customers
  • Fixed Wallpaper cropping issue
  • Resolved USB On The Go Support issue with USB drivers.
  • Fixed low call volume experienced by some users.
Motorola has justified for the cause of users agony and to the addition of that the release seems to be quite surprising on. Now the latest System version is 174.44.1.en.US (Global GSM) whereas the Older version was "172.44.4.falcon_umts.Retail.en.US."

All you got to do is Navigate to About Phone - System Updates - Yes, I'm in - Download and Install.. Voila. Here's the detailed Release Notes about this new Software Update.

Seems fine with OTG after the up-gradation and also other issues were fixed, If you are an Moto G user, feel free to write your views below.

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