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Google Accounts goes more secure with 2-Step Sign-in Verification

Google considering security for its services, introducing 2 step verification that will help prevent strangers from accessing your account with just a stolen password

Also can say this as "user verification" as it verify the real owner of your account. With this Google goes in another layer of advanced protection to all of its user and make itself distinct to other mail services and definitely a milestone in providing a more sophisticated sign-in security with this feature.

2-step verification - google account
How it verifies a Real Google Account user:

It Verifies a Google account holder by sending message to the users Mobile, thereby asking to enter the verification code.

Usually Google does it during Password change to prevent strangers to get hold of the users account and now this verification for Sign-in makes double secure and it meant no problem of phishing and account hacking, such that users can mind no fear of their Google accounts.

A Hacker can do nothing with a stolen password but also needs access to the verification code. Also instead typing code every time for authentication can select Check-in Option "Remember verification for this computer for 30 days"

Screenshots to follow - How Google Thorough Verifies a user with 2-Step Verification:







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